
One Thousand Gifts

Yes, I know it isn't Monday. But does it really matter? I can count my blessings - and blog about them - on any day of the week. Head on over to Ann's blog, Holy Experience, to read how her gift counting began and visit her Gratitude Community. You can read about my decision to begin to count my blessings, at least intentionally and purposefully, here. And by all means, please join in the fun! Leave a comment about the gifts, however large or small, you have received this week.


1. The Holy Experience blog.

2. three little boys sleeping long enough for me to run on the treadmill this afternoon. exercise feels so good!

3. Disney's "Peter Pan" - so good for the imagination. And the "Following the Leader" song that gets my boys up the stairs for naps or bed every time.

4. my incredible husband getting up with the boys so I could sleep-in this morning.

5. the treadmill we "inherited" for free. It's old, makes odd sounds, and smells funny, but it's just what I needed to jump start my exercise regimen.

6. working heat on cold days

7. blogging - such a good outlet for me

8. two loads of clean laundry. unfolded, in a pile on the bed, but clean.

9. a babe sweetly sleeping in my arms, so i can blog.

10. a trip to Texas in the works...

11. frequent flier miles

12. chocolate chips

13. a contented baby, who allowed me to achieve a reasonably clean kitchen this morning.

14. after three weeks of "missing us," the trash men collected our trash this morning. hallelujah!

15. mending friendships

16. orange bell peppers. yum.

17. hot tea and honey. ahhh....

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