
Teen Luau


Wednesday was a crazy day for our family. We had our echocardiogram appt. at noon, then rushed over to SAM's Club to pick up the remaining items for the teen end-of-year Luau that night, then off to pick up the boys and head to church for the event. Craziness doesn't quite describe it...but it was lots of fun!

Some pics for you to enjoy...

Lovely Luau ladies!

Cam helping Daddy make announcements...

Game time! First was the coconut and pineapple relay...

Then LIMBO, of course...

The cutest LIMBO judges...

And the ever-popular chunk-blowing contests...
(Turns out those Crawfords can really blow some chunks!) :)

Synchronized chunk catching...

And of course I couldn't resist throwing in a few pics of our own handsome kiddos...

Cam trying to figure out how to catch the pineapple chunks in his mouth...

Cam and our incredible babysitter Debbie
(she has watched the boys at our house when I've taken long-term subbing jobs).
The boys LOVE her and we do too!

Can words really express just how cute Cameron is?

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