
One Thousand Gifts

You can read about my decision to begin to count my blessings, at least intentionally and purposefully, here. And by all means, please join in the fun! Leave a comment about the gifts, however large or small, you have received this week.

#1-17 here, #18-39 here, #40-55 here. #56-76 here, #77-86 here.


I am grateful...

87. for school secretaries who take care of everything for you when you're running late because you forgot to fill the car with gas. And forgot your credit card. And had zero cash.

88. for the same school secretary (that's you, Lori!!) who drops everything to find a sub for you when your husband calls as soon as you get to work to inform you that two of your kids woke up puking.

89. for most of the ingredients of the lasagnas I made this weekend being on sale at the grocery store. Yay for cheaper groceries!

90. for Kyler. Seriously, I have an amazing husband. He is 100% hands-on with the boys, whether it's playing or cleaning up puke. I take him for granted far too often.

91. for fevers gone and boys that feel better.

92. for having to pump in my car every day at work. I actually find myself looking forward to the peace and quiet. It makes me sit still, and it's perfect for a little midday quiet time in the Bible.

93. for three day weekends and sleeping in. Oh, how I've needed to sleep in.

94. for Craig Groeschel and Andy Stanley podcasts. Good stuff.

95. for solo road trips to upstate New York, and for a baby who cooperated on the six-hour drive. It really wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be.

96. for the chance to visit with my lovely cousin Lauren, and attending her bridal shower. We had such a great time doing girlie wedding stuff!

97. for a baby who is suddenly sleeping in six-hour plus chunks. It makes all the difference!

98. for new shoes. Goodness knows I have needed them.

99. for Jergens shea butter lotion.

100. for a sense of humor when trying on bridesmaid's dresses for Erin's wedding this summer. The one that looked the color of watered-down ketchup was particularly hilarious.

101. for the opportunity to long-term sub. Once again, it has been a tremendous personal challenge to juggle it all. Kyler and I agree that his job presents very specific challenges in just the areas that make my working a difficult obstacle, but it is still rewarding. I've enjoyed the change of pace, even if I'm not getting enough sleep and it is kicking my butt.

102. for one last bottle of generic chewable Children's Tylenol being left at the grocery store when we needed it most.

103. for Callan's hold-out in the crawling department. I'm not ready for that carnival just yet.

104. for a husband with a job that affords us much flexibility when the boys are sick.

105. for a free copy of Love & War, the new book by John and Stasi Eldredge, and the chance to blog about it (coming soon!)

106. for faith in Jesus.

107. for leftover mini-cheesecake bites. Yum.

108. for the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes this weekend! I always enjoy getting to see folks I only see once or twice a year, and I love that we can all show our support in such a visible way. Riley, you are an amazing example of courage and determination. Thanks for what you have taught me. I am so blessed to know you!


Head on over to Ann's blog, Holy Experience, to read how her gift counting began and visit her Gratitude Community. 

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