
One Thousand Gifts

You can read about my decision to begin to count my blessings, at least intentionally and purposefully, here. And by all means, please join in the fun! Leave a comment about the gifts, however large or small, you have received this week.

#1-17 here, #18-39 here, #40-55 here. #56-76 here.


I am grateful...

77. for the train at park where I was walking the other day, which provided just the right motivation for me to get running just a little faster (past the portion of the trail which parallels the railroad track) so the sleeping babe in the double stroller wouldn't jolt awake when the train passed.

78. for exercise. It is so important to my emotional health. The physical benefits aren't too shabby, either.

79. for hot showers. As I've said, this will be a recurring topic in my gratitude blogging. So relaxing.

80. for working out our complicated child care issues as I return to long-term subbing next week.

81. for tax refunds. I honestly am amazed at God's provision. Time and time again, He had provided just what we have needed financially to get us through the next season of life. Several times, we haven't even known we were in trouble. He is so good.

82. for my husband's selflessness. He sent me to bed early last night, got up when Kayden had a nightmare, changed Callan's diaper before one of his nighttime feedings, and got up with the boys early this morning. I am such a lucky wife.

83. for blogging. I've missed it a lot. Here's hoping we can strike the proper time balance so I can continue to have this outlet.

84. for my incredible in-laws. We've been living here three months now, and our house is still in shambles. It's exceedingly frustrating. And yet, although our family is loud, messy, and constantly hungry, we have suffered not a single complaint. They are remarkable people.

85. for my aunt Kathleen, who is mentally retarded. Without the experience of growing up with her in my life, I'm certain I wouldn't be who I am now. I'll blog about her someday.

86. for the children in the autism program where I will soon be teaching. Long-term subbing has offered me unparalleled opportunities to gain experience in so many grade levels and in widely varied educational settings. This is no doubt part of the plan God has for me. I can't wait to see how all of this experience is woven together in my future.


Head on over to Ann's blog, Holy Experience, to read how her gift counting began and visit her Gratitude Community.

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