
Walking for Riley

Kayden and I headed out early this morning to join hundreds of other walkers in the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) Walk to Cure Diabetes in Leesburg, VA. This was my fifth walk! Ever since meeting Riley and her family, learning her story, and teaching her during her fifth grade year, I have tried to make a point to come out and show our support at the walk.

Ri has been living with type one (insulin dependent) diabetes for five years - since she was diagnosed in the third grade. She has such an amazing independence and resilient spirit! I so respect the way she and her family have bravely embraced this battle she fights every day. I wish I had all of the stats on what it means to live with diabetes every day (Bets, if you read this, please resend your annual e-mail!) but I know you can find many stories online at www.jdrf.org.

A few pics from this morning...

5K Archway - start and finish

Kayden enjoying some yogurt post-walk...

And a potassium-filled banana...yum!

Ri and me, post-walk, drenched and lovely...

Visit the JDRF web site for more info on Juvenile Diabetes, finding a cure, making a donation, fundraising, or finding a walk to join this year or next! Let's find a cure and beat this thing!

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